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Parking Featured Photo


Please take note of the parking rules here at Arlington. Thank you!
TEACH spelled out in bead letters

Mission Statement

Students, teachers, principal, and we the parents understand that we must all work together to guarantee that every child, every day receives the highest quality education.
In order to ensure this is achieved, we agree to the following:

We will display behavior that supports all learners.
We will work together to solve problems and support each other.
We will communicate openly with courtesy and respect.
We will provide an environment that is safe and supportive of all learners.
We will work hard every day to challenge ourselves, and others, to do their best.
We will respect the learning environment as a place where everyone is free to express him or herself and ask questions.
We will respect the cultural and learning differences of all.
We will demonstrate the importance of this learning community by making sure we are in school, ready to learn, every day.


Principal's Message Image

Principal's Message

Welcome to Arlington Elementary School. We, at Arlington School, are STARS. We represent, Safety, Teamwork, Accountability and Respect. We are all Stars! We strive to be the best we can be everyday. In order to be our best we need to come to school everyday and on time. Our school hours are 9:05 to 3:20. Our doors open at 8:50 and the students go into their classrooms. We have “Breakfast in the Classroom Program” so all students are able to have breakfast in their classroom in the morning. Please help your child develop good habits and help them come to school everyday and on time and ready to learn.